Soldier vs Sarge (Team Fortress 2 vs Red VS Blue)

"The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands whi-“ -Declaration of Independence Soldier , Team Fortress’s explosive patriotic mercenary. Sarge , the Blue-hating leader of the Red Team. What does it mean to be a soldier? Putting your life on the line for the freedom of those you love? Fighting against those who seek to take that freedom away? Or is it simply the adrenaline rush you get from being on the battlefield? Well, for these two battle-hungry leaders, it’s that last one times a hundred. They bleed red, white and anything else but blue, and will stop at nothing to achieve victory in their eternal war against the cerulean devils. But if these two decorated veterans were to come across each other in the battlefield, who would emerge victorious after an explosive fight, where their suits won’t be the only things red? Stand at attention, maggots, ...